Friday, April 20, 2007

12 Stepping

Brothers in our defects
We recovered alcoholics are not so much brothers in virtue as we are brothers in our defects, and in our common strivings to overcome them. As Bill Sees It, page 167

The identification that one alcoholic has with another is mysterious, spiritual--almost incomprehensible. But it is there. I feel it. Today I feel that I can help people and that they can help me.
Daily Reflections April 20

I don’t have to work on Friday’s at my traditional job, so I’m headed out to do work for my new Employer (the one referred to on page 63 of the Big Book). This morning I will spend a few hours with a young woman who is struggling with her 4th step. I know how that feels and I think I can help. Well, I say I think “I” can help. The truth is that if we are able to do this work together, it will be because Higher Power has chosen to encourage a bond between us that is
spiritual--almost incomprehensible.

The journey through the steps with a sponsor requires Honesty, Open Mindedness and Willingness. It can be a rocky path, that’s why we get a sponsor. I wouldn’t want to make this journey alone. My experience is that often the main ingredient is TRUST.

I opened the Daily Reflections this morning, and thought how perfect it is for the work I am off to do. I realize some of my sponsees ask me to work with them because they perceive me ONLY as a woman of virtue. But it is a gift of this program that I am able to conduct myself that way. I start any 4th step work by sharing my story with my sponsee. I share the parts that she hasn’t heard in meetings, or from the podium. I share the feelings, fears, and dark parts that had to come to light when I worked my steps. When I am finished, she “gets it”. We recovered alcoholic/addicts are not so much brothers in virtue as we are brothers in our defects, and in our common strivings to overcome them. Then we get down to the business of changing lives.